In 2023, No(N)s were taken to discover Egypt. They were not known to have been to Egypt before, or at least no one had previously undertaken to write about it.
The following models embarked on a journey to discover Egypt: (B-B-D), (R-B), (A), (S), and (S-L). To cut to the chase, it can be stated that they all returned safe and sound, albeit a bit dustier.
The goals of the discovery trip were several – among other things, to test the shoes in an environment different from the usual northern conditions (where it is not hot, dry, rocky and dusty), to take pictures if possible and to look around at what is worn and has been worn there.
Without further ado, it can be said that all No(N)s felt good in that environment. While (R-B) was predictably perfect for desert conditions, (B-B-D) did just as well – the wearer was neither hotter than expected nor did the boots rub anywhere. We can’t recommend them as desert boots, they probably won’t withstand scratches and wear and tear as well as models (R-B) and (A-B), but so far there has been no reason to complain. These boots here have seen both cities and desert, forest and sand. And snow. No mud, but they’re not meant to be bad weather boots either, so it’s all good. (S) is perhaps not the most ideal for sandy conditions, because more sand gets in than it can fall out, but they were well suited for wearing in warm climates. Historical (A) was again a super choice – thin, soft, not making your feet sweat and just super comfortable on bare feet. (S-L), however, did well in Egypt as everywhere else – from the forest to the festive reception and from the beach to the frost (again – cannot recommend them for winter wear, because they are slippery and uninsulated and the snow tends to get in over the edge. But they do the trick). You can see some pictures taken during the trip with comments in the gallery at the beginning of the post.
The most interesting thing was still to observe the feet of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs and their attendants on the statues and wall paintings. Perfect foot shape, no deformed toes, no hallux valgus like you can see in modern art… And comparing them, it was nice to see how the ancient foot shape harmonized with the No(N)s…
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